Zostaliśmy poproszeni o przygotowanie krótkiej informacji o MUCI i USOS do czasopisma La Collection numérique. Jest to pismo elektroniczne wydawane przez AMUE (informacja o AMUE i La Collection numérique, przekazana nam przez AMUE, jest załączona poniżej). Numer czerwcowy ukaże się w języku angielskim (oryginalnie pismo jest wydawane po francusku). Jego celem jest przekazanie informacji o inicjatywach, strukturach, projektach, federacjach uczelni mających europejski zasięg.
Miło nam, że autorzy pomyśleli o MUCI i USOS. To kolejny dowód na to, że jesteśmy rozpoznawalni w skali europejskiej.

Numer czerwcowy jest już w całości dostępny w Internecie.
AMUE is a French shared-services public agency for universities and other higher education and research institutions which provides higher education institutions with IT solutions, training and expertise in their various field of activity. We organize cooperation among our members and support their joint action to improve the quality of their management, monitoring and decision making, by:
- Development and optimization of co-constructed IT solutions (shared costs).
- Professionalization and skills development of higher education staff through training.
- Cost reduction through central purchasing.
- Accompanying performance improvement by providing expertise and regulatory watch.
AMUE builds a collective approach with the experts of its 179 members, from the definition of the needs to the choice and the development of IT solutions, the construction of the training offer or procurement.
La Collection numérique is a forward-looking tool, we created 5 years ago. It deals with a given subject, in a systemic way, and its interaction with the university's digital environment. The magazine is published every two months for the French higher education community, and more specifically for decision-makers in universities and schools: Presidents, Directors, Digital VP, CIOs and business stakeholders. La Collection numérique is distributed under a Creative Commons CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license and is registered with the Bibliothèque Nationale de France. Each issue of the digital collection is sent out via the AMUE news feed (20,000 subscribers), relayed on professional social networks (via Twitter, LinkedIn), brought to the attention of digital referents in universities and professional associations, and distributed to all players in Higher Education and Research (and beyond).